The STC honor of Associate Fellow recognizes members for their outstanding achievements in and contributions to the arts and science of technical communication, and for sustained and significant service to STC. It is one of the three honorary ranks in the Society and the second highest rank that the Society can confer upon a member.
The Society for Technical Communication is the world’s largest and oldest professional association dedicated to the advancement of the field of technical communication. The Society advances technical communication as the discipline of transforming complex information into usable content for products, processes, and services. The Society’s members span the field of the technical communication profession from students and academics to practitioners and managers and represent every industry segment and many countries around the globe.
Candidates must have been active in technical communication for at least 15 years and fulfilled ten years of service as an STC Member (with at least five years at the level of Senior Member). Candidates are recommended to the STC Board of Directors based on their professional qualifications, academic and work experience; intellectual contributions to the field of technical communication; STC Chapter, SIG, and Society-level service; recognitions, distinctions, and awards; and involvement with other professional organizations.
"I'm grateful to be included and humbled by the attribution," said Fraley. "I want to thank everyone on this year's list--and the many, many more people who work hard to support the Society for Technical Communication and TechComm communities--every day in a hundred different ways. The dedication of volunteers across STC helps our entire industry rise. I feel lucky to be part of such an amazing group of people."
Fraley is a Gold-Level Sustaining Member of the STC. She's worked in the technical communication industry for 19 years. She is well-known for continuing to find new ways to share information and strengthen the ecosystem of professionals around her and has a long history of dedication to knowledge sharing and community service:
- She's been the CEO of Single-Sourcing Solutions since 2004
- She's been a volunteer/officer for the Association for Computing Machinery (at one chapter or another) since 1998.
- She's volunteered for Society of Women Engineers at various events over the years.
- She started the Arbortext PTC/User group and continues to donate resources to help it thrive.
- She provides technical and infrastructure support for Arbortext Code archive at adepters.org.
- She was the first podcaster to address Arbortext community's need for knowledge sharing.
- She has been presenting strategies and technology tips, and making introductions between users at industry and technical conferences, since 2002, and encourages others to share as well.
- She founded TC Camp, the first unconference for the content creation community, and served on its Board of Directors since 2012.
- She started TC Dojo, the first user-driven webinar series for the content creation community.
- She first became a Certified PTC Arbortext Trainer in 2008
- She served on the STC-Non Dues Revenue Task Force 2019-2020.
- She's published 3 books, written one paper (available in the ACM Digital Library), and has two patents.
- She's given over 200 live presentations, workshops, and webinars.
- She writes for the Single-Sourcing Solutions blog, was the interviewer for the Arbortext Community Voices Podcast, and has been a guest on both the 10-Minute Tech Comm Podcast and the Content Content Podcast.
- She was the VP of Programs for the East Bay STC from 2015-2019, was elected as VP for the Silicon Valley STC Chapter in 2020, and worked to coordinate activities and program ideas across the Northern California STC chapters as well as other chapters nationwide
- She became an ACM Senior Member in 2018
- She was named to the Content Experience Influencer Top 25 list in 2017, received the Technical Insight Award for the EBSTC in 2016, was named to the CRN Women of the Channel list in 2015 and the CRN Magazine Top 100 Women of the Channel in 2010, 2011, and 2013, and was a nominee for the 2010 Woman Entrepreneur Awards.
- She's a member and frequent presenter for AMWA, and a member of the MLA, NCTE, WITI, and SWE.
In addition to all of that, her dedication to growing communities and helping other people grow their expertise is so strong that it's carried over into the way Single-Sourcing Solutions does business. Each of her team members is active in one or more online user communities, and it is expected that each one devote a portion of their on-the-job time to helping people find answers to problems.
The Society will formally recognize the new Associate Fellows at the 2020 Technical Communication Summit Conference & Expo in Bellevue, WA, at the Honors Event on Sunday, 17 May, from 5:30-7:00 p.m.
See the announcement from STC at https://www.stc.org/notebook/2020/02/12/presenting-the-2020-class-of-associate-fellows
About Single-Sourcing Solutions
Single-Sourcing Solutions is an expert in the PTC Arbortext product suite. Because of our deep experience with the Arbortext toolset and in the practical development and deployment of mission-critical, custom XML development, Single-Sourcing Solutions has the expertise required for successful dynamic information delivery. Single-Sourcing Solutions is active in the global Arbortext community and related information development communities.
For more information on Single-Sourcing Solutions, please visit https://www.single-sourcing.com.
E-mail: info@single-sourcing.com