Here’s a short summary of SPRs and enhancements added to the product release. Many SPRs and enhancements are part of the release. We highly recommend you log in to the support site and read the release notes. If you have an active maintenance contract you can download the new version from the PTC-Support website as usual. If you need any help please contact our support team.
- Configuration Changes
- Support for XML Catalog Files
- Changes to Default Settings in PDF Configuration Files
- New Technical Information Application
With this release, a new Technical Information Application is provided by default with Arbortext Editor. This application is a set of DITA topics intended for developing information about service operations and parts. The topics in this application work in conjunction with Windchill Service Information Manager and Windchill Service Parts. - Support for Creo View Express
- Table Border Enhancements
- Java Virtual Machine (JVM) updated to 1.6.0_26 (major security fix)
- New DITA category added to preferences dialog box
- Resource Manager Changes
- DITA Templates updated
- EPUB output added to Styler (requires Calibre 0.8.0 or later)
- Accessible PDF & HTML Output
- Semantic HTML Output
- Support for Multiple (scoped) indexes
- Windchill Service Information Manager Support
- Changes to Burst Configuration Files
- Arbortext Import Tutorial updated
- AOM changes
- Misc ACL changes
SPR Fixes
Arbortext Editor
- 1200267 File entities will now display after edit -current.
- 1221271 Opening an XML file through WebDAV for editing no longer results in two GET calls and associated performance issues.
- 2060240 Support for XML catalogs corresponding to SGML features has been implemented.
- 2061876 Opening an XML file through WebDAV for editing no longer results in two GET calls and associated performance issues.
- 2063500 Arbortext's DOM API is now Java 5 compatible. w3dom.jar has been removed from the libclassesendorsed directory, and a new w3cdomval.jar file now appears in libclasses.
- 2069184 All schema elements will be shown as valid to insert when the element's content model in the schema includes any.
- 2070367 Repeating a delete (forward) character command will delete the correct character.
- 2071547 Though generated text is not spell checked, Arbortext Editor considers the presence of white space in generated text as forcing a new word to check with respect to spell checking.
- 2072270 The presence of change tracking will no longer cause Arbortext Editor to incorrectly report that a text field is invalid with respect to a schema's text restrictions.
- 2073865 The ACL $selection variable will be correctly updated when the sgmlselection preference is changed.
- 2075053 EPS graphics that require extensive spot color conversion can now be handled without error.
- 2075533 Pasting Excel content is no longer subject to a forced 50,000 cell limit.
- 2076240 The limit on the number of text strings permitted in a document has been increased.
- 2077346 Object IDs generated for ISO graphics transformed by IsoDraw/IsoView now conform to WebCGM standard, allowing the objects to be listed in browsing dialogs.
- 2078102 The contents of tag templates and file entities will show correctly in their dialogs for document types that are not found via catalogpath.
- 2079400 The Replace Al lReplace Al l function will not stop early in some situations when change tracking is turned on.
- 2079862 The Remove Arbor text PIs on SaveRemove Arbor text PIs on Save button on the PreferencesPreferences dialog box will now remember its state properly.
- 2081441 Modifying or renaming an entity in the FOSI editor will no longer incorrectly give a read-only error.
- 2081680 Parser messages about non-existent XInclude files will be sent to the parser error hook like other messages.
- 2082942 Arbortext Editor no longer unexpectedly terminates when a document is re-opened inside its destroy hook.
- 2083115 The spell dialog will no longer lose focus when continually spell checking a dialog in an Arbortext Editor window running as an embedded ActiveX control.
- 2083166 The Paste SpecialPaste Special function will report errors to the status bar similarly to regular paste.
- 2083426 Arbortext Editor will no longer allow a tag to be inserted if the tag (along with its previous and following siblings) forms a run of tags that is disallowed by the content model.
- 2087041 An ACL error will no longer occur when attempting to construct a temporary file name from a file name that contains bracket characters.
- 2066309 Hyphens are now underlined when they appear at the end of a line.
- 2066881 The use of spanned and non spanned cells in the same row no longer leads to incorrect placement of later cells in APP table publishing.
- 2066886 The middle row spanning beyond single page is now handled correctly.
- 2069166 The APP engine will now direct PStill to use JPEG compression when the color image compression type is set to JPEG in the PDF printer driver options.
- 2069356 A link to a target containing a table functions correctly in PDF output.
- 2069973 Invoking an APP macro with application.runMacro() when no document is open no longer causes an application exit.
- 2071369 Additional space is no longer added to tables during publishing.
- 2071770 A suffix to an item number now does not appear in cross references to the item in HTML output.
- 2072272 Deleted content no longer appears in change tracked PDF output generated by APP.
- 2072757 Right alignment setting is respected for tables when outputting a PDF using the APP engine.
- 2072758 Custom counters now appear in the specified format in FOSI output.
- 2073036 XPath expressions placed in headers and footers can now access the main document tree without using any edited source.
- 2073483 The spacing after a table title and its repeated equivalent on the next page(s) is now of the same measure.
- 2074162 A table that includes row spans in cells not in the first column plus a request to keep the top of the partial row together will no longer break unexpectedly to the next page.
- 2075359 Inline equations now display as inline when published to HTML output.
- 2075732 Column structure in a right-to-left layout will no longer be changed in output generated by the APP engine.
- 2077974 An xref pointing to a step with a figure or table located inside an info tag within the step now takes its numbering from the step number as expected, not from the figure or table.
- 2077994 Table borders based on a double rule with a line weight heavier than the lines in the rest of the table now display correctly in APP PDF output.
- 2077998 A PDF of a document containing a large number of EPS files will now show all graphics.
- 2078000 Publishing a page range from a ditamap to PDF now completes as expected.
- 2078209 Tables with narrow columns shows content as expected.
- 2078652 Images will be resized during publishing if they have the scalefit and height attributes set but the width attribute not set.
- 2078801 Table borders based on a double rule with a heavier line weight than other table rules now display correctly in FOSI PDF output.
- 2079376 Index numbering made up of two numbers denoting a range of pages now both point to the correct pages.
- 2079833 Low level keeps settings are now treated the same way in FOSI and APP outputs.
- 2080785 Graphics referenced from a path to Arbortext Content Manager now appear as expected in HTML output.
- 2081988 Publishing PDF with APP proceeds as normal.
- 2084058 Publishing PDF with APP proceeds as normal.
- 2084074 Row separators are now displayed as expected in tables without frames, when published to HTML outputs.
- 2086107 Publishing of a PDF no longer fails when a bookmark is formatted off the page due to a content overflow.
- 2086430 Graphics referenced via URL will now be processed correctly when generating PDF output with an XSL-FO stylesheet.
- 2087265 Content inserted into generated text via Insert->XPath String now appears as expected
- 2087267 Content inserted into generated text via Insert->Attribute Content now appears as expected.
- 2087449 Topics or chapters are no longer displayed as linked text in PDF output.
For more information
Documentation supporting Arbortext is delivered in the Arbortext Editor Help Center. You can download the release notes for this and all recent releases from the Reference Documentation area of the PTC web site at ptc.com.