TPC Affinity Groups
Coming together to discuss the practical applications of theoretical concepts and lessons learned by other professionals can help us apply abstract concepts to a unique situation.
And when an expert sits in during those discussions? This is where the real solutions happen. It's like getting to sit down with your group and the speaker after a particularly inspiring conference presentation. No one's pitching, everyone is actively trying to help.
Through collaboration with our experts, group members build long-lasting, confidential, trusted relationships. Members can talk frankly about their challenges and get timely, practical advice.
Our TPC Affinity Groups provide unique learning opportunities where group members talk about real-time issues they are solving and share ideas for possible solutions, in the context of their specific situation. This collaborative approach provides an unmatched innovative method for solving problems and advancing business goals.
Real recognizes real. The entire group works together to develop solutions. The collaborative approach we offer to our affinity groups provide an unmatched innovative method for solving problems.

Our innovative, guided collaboration methods are unique to us and our affinity for sharing.
Success is no accident
Creative solutions come from making connections, seeing patterns.
Don't Go It Alone
Ever feel like you are spinning your wheels trying to solve an issue? How valuable would it be for you to have a sounding board?
Save Time and Effort
How much time, effort, and money is it costing you to keep struggling to learn how to implement, architect, and transform your content and your team by yourself?
Learn from experience
Chances are if you are facing something, someone has gone before you or they are in the same place.
Meet Virtually
With travel budgets down, you still need a place where you can network with peers and collaborate on best practices.
Learn from the mistakes of others…you can't live long enough to make them all yourselves.
What is included? All sorts of things!

Affinity Group Calls
In the TPC Affinity groups, you get dedicated time with an expert every month, scheduled at your convenience, and focused on you. In these discussion groups, we delve deeper into solving complex issues in real time. Discussions are virtual, dynamic—focused on current issues and challenges.

Priority Response Time
When you just don't have the time to wait for an answer that may never come, you can depend on the advisory line to help you through a tough spot. Members receive priority response time from the Advisory Line.

Members-Only Forums
A collaborative web space where members post tips, templates, and procedures that others have expressed interest in sharing. Also included is the Single-Sourcing Solutions knowledge base including helpful forms, archived articles, sample code, transcripts, notes, our favorite videos, and much more.

Private Chat Channels
TPC Affinity Group members get access to our Discord server, as well as the private areas of our public channels.

Free Access to Video Training
Members of the TPC Affinity groups have full access to the training recordings added to the Knowledge Base Forums.. Videos are available to members for free.

Workshop Discounts
We record a lot of training, but we give it too. We've taught DITA and XSLT at STC conferences. We've taught library science workshops at customer sites. As a member of our TPC Affinity group, you get free access to elearning courses and discounted rates on workshops.
What kind of expertise can you expect to find in our experts?
Techcomm General
It doesn't matter where you are on your path or what tools you're using. This group covers everything related to technical information and content development.
For anyone involved in content development, publishing, or supporting those who are.
Topics may include: best practices for writing, content strategy, information architecture, content management, XSL, XSL-FO, HTML5, ePub, multi-channel publishing, collaborative authoring, editing, user-focused writing, minimalism, DITA, reuse strategies, linking, etc.
Arbortext Suite
We cover every aspect of the Arbortext product suite from the user's perspective. There may be cross-over with the TechComm General affinity group when discussing best practices and strategy.
Access special Arbortext TC Dojo recordings, sessions, and training materials. This group includes coverage of Windchill topics for Arbortext users and business managers.
Topics may include: Editor, Styler, APP, stylesheets, publishing, configuration, content management, managing Windchill workspaces, XLIFF
Windchill for IT
Need help working with or administering PTC's Windchill PLM and CCMS system? Or connecting Windchill to Arbortext to automate user tasks?
This group is aimed at Windchill IT staff members and meetings happen on demand to accommodate the demanding schedules of IT Staff. Arbortext Windchill Users should join the Arbortext Affinity Group.
Topics may include: Windchill, workflow, configuration, process automation, change management, SIM, Translation Management, automated publishing
What do our members say?
Sometimes magic is just someone having time to collaborate with someone else.
Full Access- 1-hour private mentoring session monthly**
- Your entire team can attend
- Video recordings of mentoring sessions
- Full access to all areas of the Members Forums
- Free access to pre-recorded video training
- Access to Discord Server
- Private collaboration area
- 20% discount on published Workshops and Training classes
- Priority response time
- Access to new projects we develop before they are made available to the general public
* Individual memberships cannot be combined or chained together. One membership per person.
** Private mentoring time does not roll over.
Have questions about whether membership is right for you?
Before we can advise you about which group best fits your situation, we recommend a short call to provide us with some basic information about you and your focus. There is no charge to talk to an advisor, and you’ll only begin paying the membership dues after you joined an TPC Affinity Group.