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Your information content is a critical business asset. It is a key differentiator of you, your organization, and what you have to offer customers. For some, it is the first introduction you have to potential new customers and for the rest an integral tool in retaining and expanding your existing customer relationships.

Traditionally people have viewed content in isolated silos. Separating marketing and product management from the engineering development from support services.

In today’s market place, leaders have taken a transformative approach and have broken down the archaic barriers to allow for a dynamic flow of information and collaboration while still maintaining a high level of visibility into all facets of the lifecycle. How? By changing the way they manage content!

Join Single-Sourcing Solutions as we discuss what true component-level content management can do for you and your bottom line. We will give you tips and pointers of key things to look for when evaluating solutions and red flags to avoid.

About the Presenter

Liz Fraley, founder of Single-Sourcing Solutions, has worked in both high-tech and government sectors, developing and delivering technical design and strategy of authoring and publishing solutions as a Single-Source/XML Architect/Programmer. Specializing in practical development and deployment, she advocates designing architectures that directly improve organizational efficiency, productivity, and interoperability. She’s the founder of TC Camp, the unconference for content creators, consumers, and the people who support them. If you ask her, she’ll say she’s a gardener who’s happiest when those around her are flourishing.

Watch the Video

Recorded: January 2011

Key concepts

best practices, content strategy, multichannel (omnichannel) publishing, single-sourcing

Filed under

Single-Sourcing Exclusive, Webinars