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Here’s a short summary of SPRs and enhancements added to the product release. Many SPRs and enhancements are part of the release. We highly recommend you log in to the support site and read the release notes. If you have an active maintenance contract you can download the new version from the PTC-Support website as usual. If you need any help please contact our support team.


Update! This post has been updated with a report from the field and a response from PTC.

The release notes say this:

  • Fixed inclusion of existing index files and allow for the groups keyword to be missing. (SPR 2039312)
  • Fixed problem loading object graphic rasters when the object graphic is in a namespace. (SPR 2039806)
  • Implemented support for keeping the top of a partial table row together, when cells have spanned in from previous rows. (SPR 2036310)
  • Fixed the overflow of a row that is too big to fit on a single page/frame and that has a prior cell spanning into it. (SPR 2045387)
  • Fixed 'keep together' from being cleared by an up-down at the start of a cell/block (SPR 2045974)
  • fRules.removeRule() moves the remaining rules after the deleted one up an index. (SPR 2048647)
  • Fixed crash when going off the bottom of the edit bar whilst selecting text.
  • Fixed error with the xml stream base URI area not resolving correctly when loading linked tags. (SPR 2052286)
  • Fixed potential crash when printing to a PDF file when EPS Warnings log stream is password protected. (SPR 2052048)
  • Fixed potential crash when pasting text into a stream with blacklining enabled in Unicode version. (SPR 2043038)
  • Added support for subsetting fonts in an EPS file printed to PDF. (SPR 2048945)
  • Fixed problem when scrolling in edit bar using Ctrl-Up and Ctrl-Down keys. (SPR 2046970)
  • Reinstate format log messages 1106 and 1107. (SPR 2055117)
  • Fixed problem with fTemplate.print() not setting sprint perl variables (SPR 2027861)
  • Added namespace support for ttoupper, ttolower, and tislower maps. (SPR 2046941)
  • Modified hyphenator to break at exact position when discretionary hyphen used. (SPR 2056198)
  • Fixed problem printing to files with fPSPrinter. (SPR 2041535)
  • Removed extra empty line before formatting.texStart(true) blocks. (SPR 2053465)
  • Fixed problem with tbcolalignt and blacklining. (SPR 2046951)
  • Fixed potential crash calling fApplication.runMacro() during printing or formatting. (SPR 2056600)
  • Added option to XML printer driver to disable images when printing to streams. (SPR 2056609)
  • Fixed problem where bookmarks can create a new line when printing to the raw drivers (SPR 2053457)
  • Fixed a number of issues with footnotes when using the option to 'Enable special processing for balanced text' (SPR 1968855)

The FOM release notes say this:

  • Extended fFormatting.getAttribute() inherits parameter to control which tags to search through.
  • Added fFrame.copyModePageDown, copyModeInsert, copyModeAutocopy and copyModePageLevel properties.
  • Removed fFrame.copyMode property (property was documented but not implemented).
  • Added fContent.layergroups, layers, frames, contexts, indexes, footnotes, accolades, and publishes arrays.
  • Clarified documentation for fContent array properties.
  • Fixed type for fPSPrinter.outputDevice and clarified documentation for related properties.
  • Added fPSPrinter.PSOutputDevices constants.

Update: Report from the field

For anyone using the new Javascript FOM stuff, Gareth Oakes of GPSL reports that he did some testing with V10 M090 and discovered that, "on certain machines, the application.runMacro() command will now cause APP to crash. This is a regression from M080 and has been reported to PTC, accepted as a defect, and is presumably to be fixed in a subsequent maintenance release." He did not know whether this affected the embedded APP in Arbortext Styler and PE as he only tested the APP Desktop Unicode edition.

Update: Response by PTC

Some more information about this regression. Firstly, it only occurs when the runMacro() method is used when no document is open. Secondly, it has proven particularly difficult to reproduce – something to do with accessing some memory it shouldn’t. We can only get it to crash when running in a virtual Windows XP installation. Gareth probably wasn’t doing this, but I would always warn against using runMacro() during formatting. It is not recommended and is unsafe. The <?macro> processing instruction (the PI equivalent of using runMacro() during formatting) is explicitly described as unsupported in the documentation. There will be a patch for this in the near future rather than having to wait for the next maintenance release.

For more information

Documentation supporting Arbortext is delivered in the Arbortext Editor Help Center. You can download the release notes for this and all recent releases from the Reference Documentation area of the PTC web site at ptc.com.

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