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Here’s a short summary of SPRs and enhancements added to the product release. Many SPRs and enhancements are part of the release. We highly recommend you log in to the support site and read the release notes. If you have an active maintenance contract you can download the new version from the PTC-Support website as usual. If you need any help please contact our support team.


See the list below to check if an SPR you've been waiting for is fixed:

Arbortext Editor

  • 2137590: Arbortext Editor no longer terminates unexpectedly when closing a document that contains an ISO graphic.
    2138591 Processing no longer fails for graphic entities declared in a parameter file entity that are passed to a cloned document.
  • 2151937: Highlighting of a text selection within a list, or at the beginning at an item, or within a block that has no previous block, persists as expected.
  • 2153284: Arbortext Editor no longer generates errors when inserting references to Dynamic Documents that have namespaced elements as the root element.
  • 2155534: Separate string tables for tags, attributes, default attributes, character entities, and choice lists have been implemented in Arbortext Editor. Arbortext Editor’s capacity to handle extensive quantities of these items in a document has been improved.
  • 2155727: Arbortext Editor no longer corrupts the doctype declaration in an XML topic referenced by XInclude and opened from a read only DITA map.
  • 2161118: Modifying non-standard attributes for an element no longer causes Arbortext Editor to terminate unexpectedly.
  • 2164844: Inserting markup into a document based on an XML schema no longer causes Arbortext Editor to terminate unexpectedly.
  • 2165936: Text shading configured in a stylesheet for a table cell is displayed correctly in Edit view.
  • 2166513: Inserting markup into a document based on an XML schema no longer causes Arbortext Editor to terminate unexpectedly.
  • 2167019: New ACL functions have been added to return the namespaces associated with certain elements:
    • bulleted_list_block_tag_name_ns
    • bulleted_list_item_tag_name_ns
    • numbered_list_block_tag_name_ns
    • numbered_list_item_tag_name_ns
    • text_style_tag_name_ns

    Refer to Miscellaneous ACL Changes in the Arbortext Editor, Publishing Engine, Styler, and Architect Release Notes for information.

  • 2167825: Fixes to schema_validate() , schema_validate_batch(), and validate_schema() functions ensure that error messages generated will be output to Arbortext Editor event logs as applicable.
  • 2170206: A table pasted into XML using the Edit->Paste Special->Table (from Tabular Text) menu option contains the correct number of columns colspec elements.
  • 2170668: Namespace prefixes are now set correctly on documents that are both displayed as an XInclude in a parent document and opened for edit in the same session.
  • 2172592: Modifying non-standard attributes for an element no longer causes Arbortext Editor to terminate unexpectedly.
  • 2173253: Highlighting of a text selection within a list, or at the beginning at an item, or within a block that has no previous block, persists as expected.


  • 2070891: Conditions based on the value of the xml:lang attribute are matched as expected to provide generated text in the correct language.
  • 2094079: Scoped page numbering for a part generates the correct page numbers in all chapters when published to PDF via the APP engine.
  • 2120842: Images referenced from a Parts List display as expected when a PDF representation of the Parts List is published directly via Arbortext Publishing Engine.
  • 2122684: The index page number for a Table of Contents is correct in PDF output generated by the APP engine.
  • 2136540: Savetexts to pagedesc referenced variables in e-i-c's of pseudo-tags in an index no longer cause Arbortext Editor to terminate unexpectedly.
  • 2151376: Composition errors are displayed as expected when performing a Format or Print Preview action using the FOSI engine.
  • 2155872: Tables that include rows that are entirely vertically spanned no longer display an invalid extra row when published to PDF output via the APP engine.
  • 2161729: Bookmarks generated from a TOC are ordered in the required hierarchy in PDF output generated by the APP engine.
  • 2164236: Numbering is output correctly for an element styled as a Formal Block when published to web output.
  • 2165949: The display of WMF images in PDF output generated by the APP engine has been improved.
  • 2166913: CMYK colors in an EPS file are rendered correctly in PDF output.
  • 2167473: Rules configured for the header row of a table with deepcontentsplitting applied are not duplicated in PDF output.
  • 2167477: Selected views of PVZ graphics appear as expected in PDF output.
  • 2167796: The FOSI string modifier [TB] outputs content as expected when working with Arbortext Styler and Arbortext Publishing Engine.
  • 2168026: The default table cell background color is white in HTML output generated by the Save as HTML action and the Publish->HTML file action when using a FOSI.
  • 2172906: Digital Media Publisher Help Center images are opened without error when accessing programmatically from a host product.
  • 2176014: Korean characters that are wider than a table cell no longer overflow the cell boundary in PDF output generated by the APP engine.

DITA Application

  • 2165271: Processing instruction wrappers for topic titles are ignored by DITA functionality when the topic is referenced in a DITA map.
  • 2168165: Arbortext now supports the abbreviated-form element.
  • 2170365: A source file that holds content that has been conref'd into an open document in Arbortext Editor can now be opened from the Resource Manager.

Arbortext Styler

  • 2162983: Link text in a cross reference from a nested step to another nested step now displays the correct number for the target step.
  • 2170202: Header row text configured for custom tables defined in a stylesheet module displays as expected in PDF output.
  • 2171131: The Previous level number dropdown menu no longer adds an additional / at the end of the previous level element when it is a ancestor of a title.
  • 2176574: An RTF Preview action is permitted in Arbortext Styler without the need for an Arbortext Import/Export license.

Arbortext Import

  • 2166765: An import to XML action captures alternate text for a graphic in an RTF file as expected.

Arbortext Publishing Engine

  • 2167132: An xref that is assigned the Link style in Arbortext Styler is fully functional in document output published to PDF with an http request to Arbortext Publishing Engine.

Arbortext Architect

  • 2163784: An SGML file that does not include a path to an SGML declaration file (.dcl) can still be compiled in Arbortext Architect, using a default file.

PTC Server connection and Repository Adapter

  • 2147565: Using the Update References action on a map will reflect changes to a referenced CMS object that were carried out independently of its parent map.
  • 2159572: A fragment comment in an Arbortext Editor entity file stored in Windchill is no longer lost when checking out the entity as a standalone object and editing in Arbortext Editor.
  • 2165924: Siteminder no longer prevents Arbortext Editor from connecting to Windchill 9.1 M060.
  • 2168159: A second request to connect Arbortext Editor to a different Windchill server, after closing the previous Arbortext Editor session and shutting down the Windchill server that provided the connection, no longer attempts to connect to the shut down server.
  • 2174900: Information Elements in a Publication Structure that were checked out with a single action are all checked back into the Windchill repository when using the Object ▶ Check In All Objects menu option.


  • 2168820: Custom XUI dialogs now refresh correctly when new controls are added.

For more information

Documentation supporting Arbortext is delivered in the Arbortext Editor Help Center. You can download the release notes for this and all recent releases from the Reference Documentation area of the PTC web site at ptc.com.

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