+1 408 660-3219 sales@single-sourcing.com

We know stylesheets

Stylesheets are our specialty

Whether you're using XSL, XSL-FO, XPath, XQuery, jQuery, Arbortext Styler, FOSI, Arbortext Advanced Print Publisher (3b2), or CSS, we can help.

Single-Sourcing Solutions was brought in to our project for their expertise in Stylesheet development. The task was a daunting one: to produce print output for 25 variants and 6 customers from one highly-complex and highly-modular Stylesheet. Single-Sourcing Solutions was able to accomplish things that no one thought could ever get done.

— Team Lead, Technical Publications, General Atomics

We've done amazing things with stylesheets in nearly every technology out there today. Whether you need us to do something special, fix something that another expert did, or do something innovative like turning steps into a flowchart, we can help.

When we work on stylesheets for our customers—whether we do the whole thing or do the initial work that takes it to a stable point that they can maintain—we always look for training opportunities. This way we can help our customers grow their expertise while they are familiarizing themselves with the stylesheet and the application, making for easier maintenance in the future.

Single-Sourcing Solutions was brought in to our project for their expertise in Stylesheet development: Print output for 25 variants and 6 customers from one highly-complex and highly-modular Stylesheet.They accomplished things that no one thought could ever get done.

Team Lead, Technical Publications, General Atomics

I was assigned an expert with a deep understanding of XSLT and FO. Every question I had met with an informed reply. After the first training session, I was already able to take what they had shown me and apply it. Best training I have ever received!

Team Lead, Kohler

Antenna House

Do you need help with:

  • formatting with CSS
  • formatting with XSL-FO
  • working with the Area Tree
  • working with XSL
  • working with XPath
  • working with XQuery
  • working with jQuery
  • headers and footers
  • Options like CGM, PostScript, MathML, Barcodes, PANTONE, or XPS

If you use Antenna House, are you struggling with any of these features?

  • working with the Area Tree
  • PDF Digital Signatures
  • linking between PDFs
  • converting step-based content to diagrams

Arbortext Styler

Arbortext Styler provides a convenient User Interface that allows non-programmers to create and maintain stylesheets for multi-channel output.

  • Creating more than 5 regions (header, footer, left/right margins, and body) on a page without having to build tables in tables in tables
  • Changing style based on an element or element context
  • Using Pantone and CMYK colors
  • Modularizing stylesheets and stylesheet components (abstracting headers, footers, and other content)
  • Creating multiple-layers to achieve advanced page layouts
  • Boxing, rules, rounded corners, and custom bullets
  • Customizing generated text, indexes, and tables of contents

In fact, the only commercial book about Styler was written by a member of our staff!

Arbortext Advanced Print Publisher

Arbortext Advanced Print Publisher is the base rendering engine for all the Arbortext publishing applications. It's got publishing capabilities that rival Adobe InDesign, if you know what to do.

  • Synoptic alignment (The ability to align multiple content streams at the same vertical position on the page.)
  • Spanning tables across multiple pages
  • Marginalia (Extract content from the content stream and insert it into a side-note)
  • Spilling text around a graphic clipping path
  • Including content from multiple source documents
  • Adding special formatting support for specific languages (Ruby, Warichu, Yakumono, Kinsoku Shori)
  • layouts for catalogs, product brochures, data sheets, and advertisements

Simon Taylor, the Publishing PM at PTC, says, “There's nothing APP can't do.” That's our experience too.

Don't waste time struggling

In 30-minutes, our experts can usually figure out what's happening with your stylesheet and tell you how to fix it.