TPC Advice Line

Sometimes you need a little help—Fast!
I was assigned an expert with a deep understanding of XSLT and FO. Every question I had met with an informed reply. After the first training session, I was already able to take what they had shown me and apply it. Best training I have ever received!
What is the Advisory Line?
Let’s face it, there are times when all you need is some quick assistance to help you solve a challenge.
The Advisory Line is a hotline that lets you reach one of our mentors to get some help with a problem that is specific to you, your environment, and your tools right away. Get your problem solved, but also get that one-on-one mentoring that gives you the why behind the fix.
The Single-Sourcing Solutions Advisory Line is designed to help you get through a tough spot without having to engage in a long consulting project when it may not be the best solution for your needs.
Our team of expert advisors specialize in designing, developing, and delivering solutions for product information delivery. We have over a decade's experience with XML dynamic publishing tools — and everything that touches them.
We specialize in the practical development and deployment of mission critical, custom tool development for content development, management, and delivery.
And through our Advisory Line, we help you grow that expertise too.
Our rule of thumb is this:
Don't struggle for more than 30 minutes. When you hit 30 minutes, write your question down and move on to other work. When you have enough questions in your list, call us!
You can always reach out to the user community (we encourage active participation in all the Arbortext-related user groups), but you may not have the time to wait for an answer that you may never receive. At times like these, you need someone you can depend on to help you through a tough spot.
Choose the option that best meets your needs

Implementation Audit
Did you land that big contract and don't know what to do next?
Need some help navigating the waters working with a government doctype?
Want to know if you purchased the right products or check on the advice someone else gave you?
Do you want an independent audit, review, validation, or verification of your current implementation?
Want to know what features you're not using to the fullest before you start down that expensive road to change everything out?
Our experts will evaluate your system and let you know how you stack up with customers who are making the most of their Arbortext toolset and recommend a plan of action that will get you running quickly and efficiently or recommend tweaks to make it run better.
Don't waste time struggling
In 30-minutes, our Arbortext experts can evaluate your system and answer your questions.

Speed Consulting
Now and again we all have questions. Especially when it comes time to figure out how to convert legacy content to DITA or topic based writing. Sometimes you just need to ask someone:
- Should this be a concept? A reference? A topic?
- All I have is a title… do I leave the rest of the topic empty?
- What do I do here?????
Our long-term customers have always been able to schedule time time to talk over difficult transitions whenever they need it. They pile up all their questions, book an appointment, dial in to a GoToMeeting session and show us what they’re struggling with. We go through every question—one right after another after another after another—while we look over their virtual shoulders.
Now you can book time too!
Choose a time that best fits your schedule and your budget. Get your questions answered without much hassle. You're in total control with our Speed Consulting option.
Need help right now?
When you're ready, simply gather your questions and get the help you need!

Our Expert in Your Pocket
If you think you need more help than the Speed Consulting can offer but not quite as much as a full on consulting project, sign up for Our Expert in Your Pocket sevice.
A retainer-style service that provides access to our technical knowledge database and includes personal, individualized, attention from a mentor for every year you're a subscriber.
This style of service guarantees you priority scheduling and a long-term relationship that means we can develop together.
Getting ideas from those who have been where you are can keep you from going down the wrong path—or taking the a much shorter one—because they understand who you are and why you've made the decisions you have can be invaluable.
We take our ethical duty to represent your interest with good faith and trust as a solemn responsibility.
Subscribe to secure access to our experts, ensure that you have priority scheduling, and develop that kind of long-term relationship with someone who understands where you are.
Ensure we're there whenever you need us
There's nothing better than having an expert in your back pocket.