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Key Concept Archive

For more information about how our library science background (and our love of all things metadata) guides the way we catalog information, see the Techcomm and Arbortext Resources page.

Top 5 Arbortext Resources

Here's the list of the top 5 resources new Arbortext customers should know about. If you're an Arbortext User, you should know about these resources:Arbortext 101: Best Practices for Configuring, Authoring, Styling, and Publishing with Arbortext: This book gives you…

Using Checklists to Increase Consistency and Productivity in Communications Tasks

Anyone writing, editing, or managing any type of communications for a living is feeling the crunch. There is less time to create and edit; more types and formats of content; more apps, software, and systems to learn. And we expect…

Cognition, Design, and Usability: An Primer for Technical Communicators

Nothing is inherently usable. Rather, usability is about cognition—or how our minds process sensory input. If technical communicators understand such factors, they can create materials that address them and develop more usable designs. In this session, the presenter overviews Cognitive…

What training do I need to use Arbortext well?

Dear Liz I am starting to work with the PTC Arbortext Editor using SGML. I need to know if I can get training on the editor? What would it take to get the training to use it well? Would I…

Ki, Qi, Key: The Way of DITA Harmony With Keys and Key References

An introduction to DITA's key and key reference facility: why, when, and how. If you have images, content references, variable text, or cross references in your DITA content you need keys. This presentation helps harness the energy of your content…

Techcomm and Arbortext Resources – We have a lot

Top 5 Arbortext Resources We share. A lot. We derive an intense satisfaction when we are able to improve the capabilities of our customers as well as everyone in the communities we serve. Customers don't just buy software or one-time…

A Simple Guide to DITA Keys

Are you interested or perhaps already using DITA but find the concept of keys to be mystifying? Or are you afraid that maybe you could get better reuse out of your content if you were able to optimize your key-based…

Structured Authoring for Beginners

Are you new to structured authoring and topic-based writing? Are you more comfortable with unstructured desktop publishing applications and apprehensive about moving to XML or some other structured authoring environment? This workshop is for you if you want to know…