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At Single-Sourcing Solutions, our customers know we enjoy helping them invest in themselves and their future when they take on a new project and new technology. What struck us most these last few years is that we'd find ourselves on a call with one customer and thinking how much they would benefit if they'd been able to talk to one of our other customers.

Inspired by our customers, we created the TPC Affinity Groups to provide a unique learning environment because we all have questions: A lot of those questions have the same basis but different technical requirements. We're all experts and we're all learners because, after all, every expert was a learner in the beginning.

For the last year, we've been having these meetings every month. All of our customers participate. In the TPC Affinity Groups, we facilitate a single conversation among a small group of peers to discuss issues and challenges associated with technological challenges that affect documentation groups. Together we all learn, grow, and share our knowledge with everyone else. We all solve the same problems, just in different order. And for the last year, our customers have found this is one meeting they never miss.

We've found that this dynamic forum encourages peer-to-peer critique and guidance on critical technical publications business issues. The group not only provides support for operational challenges but encourages to you focus on strategic planning and long-term issues.

Thanks to all of of our customers who helped us streamline the structure of these conference calls, we're now opening up membership to the public.

In this exclusive, members-only series, attendees have the opportunity to present their issues, share referrals, and advise one another in a confidential, supportive environment once a month. Session groups are kept small to creating an environment of trust and confidentiality.

Join the TPC Affinity Groups

How much time, effort and money is it costing you to keep struggling to learn how to implement, architect, and transform your content and your team by yourself? In the TPC Affinity Groups, you gain an advisory board of your peers that will help you solve problems quickly and efficiently.

Key Concepts:


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Blog, Single-Sourcing Exclusive