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When people buy Arbortext, we always recommend getting at least one license to the Arbortext eLearning library. It's considered a software license, so you can get one at any time. The eLearning library is a huge library of video content and training materials for all of the products in the Arbortext Product Suite. In fact, the eLearning libraries are recorded versions of the official training courses delivered by PTC trainers and qualified partners. So if you take the eLearning course instead of the in-person instructor-lead training, you're not missing anything! (Except access to a trainer and you can always call our Advisory Line for a quick, budget-friendly, chat with a trainer.)

The video training is broken into 1-hour segments that you can watch as often as you like at times convenient for you. Every release, a new version of the training content is released to the eLearning library. We frequently will tell people to watch some of the much older videos because there's a lot more explanatory content. Why? Well, 20 years ago, the technology was new and there was a lot everyone needed to learn. Today, we take for granted that much of that learning is known so it's been weeded out of the video training over time.

If you have the eLearning Library, and you don't know the whys and want to, you can look at the older content. The UI may have changed, but the underlying technology is still the same. And it's all there for you if you want it in the eLearning Library.

Live PTC Arbortext Educational Webcast: PTC University Delivers Faster, High Quality Training and eLearning

PTC University reduces learning content development cycles by 60% and localization costs by 40%

Learn how PTC University has rolled out a structured learning content solution to accelerate product training development and reduce the costs of production.  In fact, to support a recent new product release, PTC University delivered the related courseware in just 5 days compared to 90 days for previous releases!

In this session, PTC University will describe:

  • Best practices for learning content development
  • Business challenges and solutions
  • Results related to cycle times, customer satisfaction and cost reductions

Register Now!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM US/Eastern (-0400 GMT)

Learn how PTC University has rolled out a structured learning content solution to accelerate product training development and reduce the costs of production.

Key Concepts:

news, training and mentoring

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