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Liz Fraley on Single Sourcing on the 10-Minute Tech Comm Podcast

Summary: Liz Fraley of single-sourcing.com talks about how companies can successfully make the shift to single sourcing on the 10 Minute Tech Comm podcast When you're first approaching single sourcing project and designing your information architecture, it can be daunting…

Which do you want to be? A technician or a craftsman?

We usually talk about Style in terms of content structure and layout, but this time I wanted to talk with you about our style. Specifically, our style of service. I was recently on a mentoring team call with one of…

What happens when you skimp on documentation?

In the TC Dojo last week we found out: Your company is at risk of debilitating lawsuits that, in the worst case, can put you out of business. Joe Devney, forensic linguist, editor, non-fiction writer, and previous STC chapter chair shared…

Conference notes from: DITA Best Practices BOF lunch at CMS DITA NA 2015

Tracy Baker and I had a full table and intense discussion on the topics on the minds of the people in attendance. Real time issues and ideas for possible solutions. Topics ranged from reuse strategies to getting started to review processes to getting…

Review: Adobe TCS5 and FrameMaker 12

This summer I had a chance to sit down with FrameMaker 12, released at the end of last year. I'd been anxious to get some real time with the product after seeing Maxwell Hoffmann do the first public demo of…

TC Camp 2014 is Next Weekend

TC Camp Exclusive: See Adobe's TCS5 in person and maybe win a subscription!TC Camp 2014 is happening at Mission College in Santa Clara on Saturday 25 January 2014.If you're in the bay area, this is happening right in your own…

DITA, XML, and all that stuff: Is it really worth it?

Back in 2000, I was hired at Juniper Networks to take them from FrameMaker to XML and single-sourcing. They'd intended to do it from the start but and they'd just reached the point, from a corporate capability perspective, to be…

MadCap’s Creativity Captures Attention

Like most people, I try to keep up to date with what is going on out there in the world of software tools for Technical Communicators. We all have a million things to do in our busy day, and it's…

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