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It’s hard to miss the hype about DITA. But what is the reality?

How can you or your organization make an informed decision about whether to migrate to a DITA-based workflow? Is DITA the best choice for you? Or would you be better served by other technologies or COTS (common off-the-shelf) solutions?

DITA has helped many organizations improve the efficiency of their publishing workflows. But is DITA for you? In this TC Dojo session, Alan Houser attempts to separate the DITA hype from the reality.

You will learn:

  • Considerations for adopting DITA.
  • Business requirements that tend to support adoption of XML-based publishing.
  • Aspects of DITA migration and workflows that tend to be particularly challenging.
  • Warning signs that DITA may not be for you.

Visiting Dojo Expert

Alan Houser, Group Wellesley, Inc. Alan is a technical publishing consultant and trainer; XML/DITA architect; Machine Translation guy; Former President of the Society for Technical Communication. In addition to all that, Alan also served on the TC Camp board 2016-2017.

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Key Concepts:

dita, techcomm tools

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TC Dojo, Webinars

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