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Key Concept Archive

For more information about how our library science background (and our love of all things metadata) guides the way we catalog information, see the Techcomm and Arbortext Resources page.

Green Your Product Information

Greening your product? What about your product information? We see it all the time and I’m sure you do as well. Companies are on the move with initiatives to “green” their operations and their products. It’s not just the big fortune…

Podcast Posted: Interview with Keith McGinnis, Review Publishing

This week's podcast is an interview with Keith McGinnis. About a year ago, I did some stylesheet work for Keith McGinnis at Review Publishing. Review Publishing produces a weekly free newspaper and online news media portal. They were on their…

Content is King [Arbortext User Meeting]

Juniper Networks has focused on an topic-based documentation and publishing approach for their product documentation for the past 5+ years. Come explore their journey as they began as a vision for “operation efficiency” by migrating from Frame Maker to xml,…

Podcast of Content Management Strategies Presentation

Thursday, 18 September 2008, I was at the Intermountain Chapter of the STC. I spoke about “Repurposing Content for Multichannel Publishing”, the presentation I gave at the Content Management Strategies conference earlier this year. Tom Johnson, one of the members,…

Evangelizing Automated Publishing in Your Organization

When we begin the effort to pursue a move to an XML-based automated publishing system, we run into a lot of roadblocks from our staff, our peers, our management, both inside and outside our organizations. We've seen the trade publications….

Content Reduction and Reuse in a Multichannel Publishing Environment

It all comes down to managing and reusing source. Recycling content (chapters, graphics, etc.) is not new. What is new here is the common set of back-end structure in XML form and the fact that more than one set of…

Application-specific XML tools development

Did you know you can auto-generate content in more than one direction? You can auto-generate content… …FOR Documentation Documentation for technical manuals can be generated directly from the product source code or other engineering systems. Technical requirements and product specifications…

Revision management for content components

Where Source Development Meets Documentation In traditional publishing environments, source control is minimal if it exists at all, and often follows the lock-modify-unlock model that prevents simultaneous, collaborative, content authoring. Single-sourcing environments require content management (source control) to manage the reusable…