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Key Concept Archive

For more information about how our library science background (and our love of all things metadata) guides the way we catalog information, see the Techcomm and Arbortext Resources page.

How to hack repetitive publicity tasks and get your life back!

Is your social media a series of bursts that happen when you remember to do it? Do you throw the same message into the void (as if every audience and every channel was the same) and hope for the best?…

Our Level Best – Technical Editing

Attend Live Please be aware! This session will not be recorded. Be there or miss out. This is only one of the reasons why you should always attend a TC Dojo live. As technical editors, how do we know where to…

How I Got Here: Career Dev Tips From Wise Old Farts

A panel discussion with tips and stories that helped the pillars of STC get through their careers with success and pride. Listen to past and current board members, conference organizers, and authors tell their stories and offer tips on how…

Using Checklists to Increase Consistency and Productivity in Communications Tasks

Anyone writing, editing, or managing any type of communications for a living is feeling the crunch. There is less time to create and edit; more types and formats of content; more apps, software, and systems to learn. And we expect…

DITA Output Doesn't Have to be Ugly

Traditionally, stylized DITA output has been clunky and code-editor driven. But it doesn't have to be that way. See how one tool is taking features from other user experiences and bringing them in to a world that has been neglected….

Expanding Horizons: Open Source, Social Coding, and Your Career

Technical Writing is a profession with a bright outlook, and the sun is burning hottest in the open source arena. Remote source control sites like GitHub and BitBucket are new landscapes for technical writers. These sites provide places where you…

Productivity Hacks for Technical Communicators

Feeling overwhelmed? Stuck? Less productive than you want to be? Join us in discovering five productivity hacks that you can implement today that will help you be more productive! Today's technology allows us to get more done faster, but this…

Add Super Power to Your Communication with Super Structures

Super structures can increase performance and boost your productivity. They take advantage of economies of scale in your routine communication without causing you to succumb to numbing uniformity. Say what?! Super structures are logic flows that help you evaluate and…