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Want to learn what it takes to work - and thrive - in your career? We've got a presentation for that! Come hear strategies that have helped guide a 45-year career that even a pandemic can't slow down.  

John has worked for companies large and small, climbed the ladder from noob to Director, run a training and conference company, freelanced and taught as an adjunct techcomm instructor at a couple of colleges. Today, he works from rural Vermont for a software company in NYC.

He will share observations and techniques that can help you plan for a long and happy career.

About the Visiting Dojo Expert

John Garison has been a technical writer since before CRT monitors were a thing. He delights in sharing information and war stories about his experience in writing about everything from operating systems to healthcare applications and currently clinical trials. His career includes writing, managing, consulting, running conferences, and 15 years teaching in university techcomm programs. As Lead Technical Content Strategist for Medidata Solutions in New York City, his gigabit fiber optic internet lets him telecommute from a dead-end dirt road in Vermont.

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Recorded:  13 July 2020

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TC Dojo, Webinars

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