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What training do I need to use Arbortext well?

Dear Liz I am starting to work with the PTC Arbortext Editor using SGML. I need to know if I can get training on the editor? What would it take to get the training to use it well? Would I…

Always be learning: Lessons for writing instructions

You can learn interesting things that apply directly to you…from a totally different discipline. Recently, I was reading a story about Board Game Designers. I may be a board game geek, but that's not why the story was interesting. The…

Get Trained on Arbortext Styler — from someone who cares about you

We're launching a series of online training sessions designed to facilitate better Stylesheet design using Arbortext Styler. Why? Well, if you saw my outburst on Facebook, you can probably guess the reason. Sadly, this kind of thing happens to us…

Same mess, different tools – Liz Fraley on the Content Content Podcast

In her interview, Liz Fraley talks in detail about the history of structured authoring and how her opinions have changed over 17 years in the technical writing industry. Last month I had the opportunity to talk with Ed Marsh of…

UI/UX for technical communicators is the theme for TC Summer Camp 2017

I sit on the TC Camp board and am sponsoring the Structured Authoring workshop at TC Summer Camp in DC on September 9th.Every year, we ask what topic people want for the morning workshops. So far only one topic has…

Will I see you this month? It’s Conference Season 2017!

Conference season 2017 started last month and we're on the road! In fact, I'm two conferences down with two more to go.  I love to meet people in person and hear their stories. The last couple of years I've started to prefer…

Do you treat your career like a profession?

b Post Summary There's only you to hold you accountable, to make sure you meet your business and revenue goals. You can apply the same skills business owners, consultants, and executives use to advance their business to advance your career….

Review: Adobe Technical Communications Suite 2017, UI, UX, and Techcomm

Updated: 29 November 2017 Last month I wrote about an article by Linn Vizard that I saw on the Adobe Creative Cloud blog about the Evolution of Buttons in UX Design. While I thoroughly enjoyed the article for personal reasons,…