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Accessibility Basics for Professional and Technical Writers

As we move forward to create a more diverse and inclusive world, delivering accessible content becomes increasingly important. But what do we mean by “accessibility” and why should accessibility be important to professional and technical writers? In this session, Bob…

Chart Busters!

It's Weird Chart Day! In this TC Dojo we explore good charts gone bad! Sometimes it is easier to learn by example and some of the best lessons can be learned from bad examples. Sara Doan walks through some stunning…

Just-In-Time (JIT) Training

Just-in-Time (JIT) is a manufacturing methodology aimed primarily at reducing times within the production system as well as response times from suppliers and to customers. These same principles of driving efficiency and reducing response times can be applied to training….

Navigating Tech Comm with Geoffrey Chaucer

Most people know Geoffrey Chaucer as the author of The Canterbury Tales, a group of stories so naughty that schoolbooks still censor them now, over 600 years later. Many are surprised to learn that Geoffrey Chaucer also wrote one of…

Templates for API Documentation

Templates can improve your documentation no matter what your skill level is, and no matter how mature the documentation set. Clarence Cromwell will talk about a set of templates for minimum viable API documentation, including: What is “minimum viable documentation”…

Topic Writing Without Borders

The average person is hit with approximately 105,000 words a day. That’s 23 words every second in a twelve-hour day. Add in images and sound, and now we’re talking 34 gigabytes a day! This is the person who comes to…

Advantages of Virtual Teaming Projects for Students, Organizations, and Educators

Project-based learning has long been a hallmark of technical communication academic programs. However, with advances in technology, globalization, and geographically dispersed workforces, students must also learn how to conduct projects as members of virtual teams. This session will explore the…

Follow-Up: Hacking Repetitive Publicity Tasks

We're trying something a little different: A watch-party style webinar followed by an after party! As such, there will not be a video recording of this live event. If you do the same tasks over and over—such as announcements of…